Our Thank You Gift

The Cost of Surrender (eBooklet)

The greatest rewards in life come with a significant amount of effort, whether you are talking about friends, family, finances or more. In the same way, God’s greatest spiritual rewards go to those who are willing to sacrifice themselves completely to His will. In The Cost of Surrender, Pastor Paul Sheppard encourages believers to make the best investment possible by surrendering themselves fully to the Lord. (PDF Download)

The Cost of Surrender (Booklet)

The greatest rewards in life come with a significant amount of effort, whether you are talking about friends, family, finances or more. In the same way, God’s greatest spiritual rewards go to those who are willing to sacrifice themselves completely to His will. In The Cost of Surrender, Pastor Paul Sheppard encourages believers to make the best investment possible by surrendering themselves fully to the Lord. (PHYSICAL BOOKLET)


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